Are you one of those people that believe if you hold onto a fortune cookie's prophecy, it comes true?
I'm used to getting some retarded ass fortunes. Like, "If you have to be a glow worm, glow the hardest." I've learned long ago to stop anticipating a cute phrase I could fit into my life like a sky-blue puzzle piece, only to crack open the shell and unroll yet another disappointing scroll. "Sometimes you just have to shrug and laugh." *Wraps hands around cookies throat*
This Tuesday past, after a satisfying dinner of Korean noodles

Which I'm sure looks far from appetitizing...
until you've tried it
Sharpshooter and I pick up fortune cookies on the way out. I crack mine open, with the prerequisite story of how I never get worthwhile fortunes... and laugh loudly (as I always laugh), appreciatively, as I read it.
Well. Indeed they are. People I've had intense albeit brief friendships/flingships with in my past are knocking on my present door with gifts of confession, apology, or mere renewed company. They are still, after all this time, greeted with something resembling happy tears (Text doesn't cry, but her eyes do sting) and a smile. Most of them are far, far away, in places I can't touch (Afghanistan, California, Hawaii). These are people I was tight with anywhere between 6 months ago to 7 years ago. There are stories between us.
It's really overwhelming -- and extremely comforting -- to know that no matter how brief our friendship was, I was never forgotten. I was remembered fondly, maybe even respected. And all along, I had no idea. I didn't know how much I needed this.
I was just telling SS a story of the most recent collision between past and present, which always manages to leave me a little jarred. Normally I throw these fortunes out with the wrapper and forget about them the moment after (I do cast an obligatory glance at the chinese lessons on the other side --Chicken, I believe, is Jo Zhu). For some reason, while in conversation, I rolled this one into a tiny cylinder and slipped it into the zipper of my purse. I used to believe, once upon a time, that saving these words will strengthen their chances of occurance. I guess a small part of me still holds onto that thought.
I'm being revisited by my past for a reason. Either I'm to apply something I've learned to tie up loose ends (Karma, if you respect her, will always give you second chances), or I'm supposed to take this as a warning. Perhaps it is simply time for me to reconnect with those I've shaken off between phases, left behind for one reason or another. Regardless, I am looking forward to developing something with them; I truly hope I am ready. There's been a lot of loss lately.
Welcome back, everybody. It's so good to see you again.