
All in all youre just another brick in the wall

Remember this post?

Well, another one bites the dust. A friend notifies us that he just got out of central bookings. When asked why, he responded with "1 part graffiti, 2 parts racism." I didn't know exactly what he meant until these photos arrived on my minifeed (shout out to facebook):

Where do we draw the line with police brutality?

I know a part of me speaks with bias -- I went to art school with this kid, and most artists tend to consider graffiti a form of expression and aesthetics, rather than a simple act of vandalism. Growing up in Brooklyn, it's easy to consider graffiti decoration; once the history and competition and purpose was explained to me, I also developed a fond appreciation for the culture as a whole.

What would justify that eye?

Without a badge number, he's got no trial.

Damn, b. Good luck.