
Are you listening? This means You

Me: FW: Breaking News Alert, The New York Times
Friday, June 6, 2008 -- 4:16 PM ET
Dow Plunges About 400 Points

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell about 400 points,
driven by economic concerns and by oil prices that soared to
near $140 a barrel.

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Inell: oh boy, there will be a lot of people jumping off buildings tonite...

Me: whats the world coming to =(

Inell: i dont know, but i read an article last month that the average person living in new york needs to make a salary of 35,ooo a year to survive not to live good but in order to survive... (eat)


Inell: that is why they increased rookie cops pay to 35,800 a year to start. dont you know that for years a rookie cop was only making 24,000 a year.... (so sad) but seriously i am scared because I am a single parent with 2 kids and i dont gross 35,ooo a year.

Me: What article?
im trying to google it
I cant find it but apparently its the same in san mateo

Inell: u c what i am talking about, a single mother with an infant and school age child needs to gross about 66,000 a year to live no luxury's to live....

Me:what the fuck inell that is so fucking sad
and theyre not doing anything to change this
is this all oils fault?

Inell: the war, that is why the oil prices are rising, all the natural resources in world (rice is going up because the main supplier (India) is not selling much because they need to eat. prices of flour went up( pure dough) that is why bread and pizza is going up, omg lets not talk about dairy products. milk is 5 dollars a gallon, eggs r 3 dollars a dozen and cheese you cant even afford to buy any. and the sad part about it is that this is food. basic things nothing fancy.) you get where i am going with this.

Inell:One more thing
dont mean to scare you but the average household consist on mother, father and at least two kids. if things dont change the average household will consist of (grandparents, aunts and uncle's husband and wife and kids.) and that will only be to live... (eat and rent) nothing else.