

I'm so turned off by everything.

Perhaps I've returned to that transitional point in my life where I reevaluate my passions and tastes. I'm in this suspended state of ...blah, to put it best, where I'm releasing previous anchors and swinging towards the next. I've got no context right now, I just know that I am not in the mood to be coerced into doing anything I don't want to do --including making out, dancing, drinking, spending, fucking. It's a shame, how deeply sexuality seems embedded into my pores. I swear that my words and my eyes give the opposite signals my body does, thus they cut back harsher. I don't mean to dead everyone I'm not feeling, but I'm still inexperienced with this whole concept of the "gray area."

My moods should define my calendar. Not the people around me. I'm surrounded by too many strong personalities to be able recognize myself in their shadows.