
The Guy I'm Sleeping With

He is mid-Xbox when I show up late Friday night. (After having dated, loved, and lived with a gamer for nearly 5 years of my life, I'm bone-wired to respect "The Mid-Game" -- especially if it involves other people.) I pass him a sleepy greeting, and he apologizes for his rudeness. Little does he know I'm quite happy about this; I have emails to check, conversations to pick up, and links to respond to. I'm hungry for his free internet.

The browser on his laptop has 3487539475843 tabs open, as usual. I start new, log into my email, and soon I'm laughing hysterically. One of the links I stumbled across and must share: this great infograph on the statistics of online dating. (An interesting fact that I found none-too-surprising, that 1 out of 3 women who meet men online have sex on the first encounter. 4 out of 5 reported not using protection. Way to keep it classy, ladies.)

I finish surfing the web; one of his tabs catch my eye and I click it. I do not turn to him.

"..You have an OkCupid account?"
"Yeah," he says, laughing a little sheepishly. "R-- made one for me."

I make a bland comment and barely glance at the thoughts conferring in the corner of my mind. I've never broken the habit of not asking questions for things I don't really want to know the answers to.

I turn off the laptop, a drop more tired than I was before sitting down. This affair of ours should end really soon.