Good Evening.
it's been almost a year since I've even looked at this thing. I reread my old posts, and cringed. But I'll leave them up here, for memories sake.
The voice has changed. The perspective has changed. I was an incredibly self-centered, rambling being at the time, recovering from a series of unfortunate events that were probably of my own doing. I was pushing to get too many words out. It shows.
Cest la vie. No one should have this much footage of the awkward and painful transitional phases of their lives.
I have no set plans for this space at the moment. But my thoughts have been recurring in their urgency to be recorded. I feel I've become observant to the world around me again, and my curiosity has resurfaced... it went into hiding during the flailing era of my life. Good for you, welcome back.
Let's see where this reunion takes us.