I've never been moved to tears so strongly by an election before. I fell to my knees in front of the screen and damn near shook when he was announced. Fuck it all, I'll say it: I cried for two hours straight that night. And still, today, I'm easily weepy.
"You will always remember exactly where you were the moment 9/11 happened." I can bet you a million anything that we will forever remember exactly what we were doing, who we were with, and how we were feeling when it was officially decided that he will be our 44th president.
For the first time in my life, I can say with complete honesty that I fiercely love the head of our country. That I am proud to be an American. That I want to be loyal to our president. I've learned more about politics this year than I've ever learned in my life. I want to be involved, I want to help. He can, he did. He will.
I have so much hope, I don't even know what to do with it! I've never felt it this hard before. Shit, I've never allowed myself to!!!
Growing up, I've always, always been told "No, we can't." It was a fact of life, we were simply never able to. We were always struggling. We never could. Sacrifices were made on the things most people took for granted, because we just couldn't afford them: Birthday parties. Allowance. School trips. All my proms. Regular check-ups. Health insurance. Graduation presents. The schools I wanted to try for.
I've always had to let go of hope, so that I could be happy with my reality. Up until now, I never let myself feel it. Up until now, I feared it...
And now, finally, it feels like I can let that go.
Now... Yes, I Can.
Dude. This is... like. Intensely overwhelming.
Happy election day everybody. You have no idea how much this means to people.